CPSC 436 - 500: Computer-Human Interaction
Course Homepage
Assignment 1: Due 9/16/2014
1. Write no more than two pages about the best system/computer interface you have used.
Describe the interface and why you selected it as
best. Is it good for a variety of users and tasks or just for you? How
might you improve on its design?
2. Write no more than two pages about the worst system/computer interface you have used.
Describe the interface and why it is bad. How could
it be improved? Why might the designers have developed it the way they
Important: All reports are to
be printed on a word processor or typed (no handwritten assignments
will be accepted). It is expected that students will correct grammar
and spelling--these are grounds to deduct from your grade. (i.e. Use a
spelling checker and reread what you write before turning it in.)