Spring Semester, 2009
Lecture Time and place: T/Th 11:10 pm - 12:25 pm, HRBB 104
Lab Time and place: M/W 9:10 pm - 10:00 am, HRBB 209
Instructor: Dr. Frank Shipman
Office: HRBB 404
Email: shipman@cs.tamu.edu
Office hours: TBD, or by appointment
TA: Tim Mann
Office: HRBB 339
Email: t0m6753@cs.tamu.edu
Office hours: MTThF 1-2pm, W 12-1pm or by appointment
Note: You should expect to spend a significant amount of time (>10
hours/week) outside of class time on programming projects. This may
require meeting with team members outside of the class/lab
This class is scheduled as a 2 hour lecture/2 hour lab class each
week. As the lecture period is the normal twice a week schedule, we
will have approximately 20 lectures of the 28 normally scheduled
classes. Most of the lectures will be scheduled towards the start
of the semester so the material can be used in your projects.
For this class, certain aspects of the honor code need to be clarified.
1) There may be times in this course where you or your team make use
of external code/software/libraries. Whenever this is done, you must
make sure that, in addition to following any restrictions on that code
itself, you clearly document what the source of the external code was,
and how it was used.
2) There may be cases in this course where you or your team seeks
outside assistance related to one of the projects. Any assistance
received from people other than members of your team, the professor,
teaching assistant, or peer teacher needs to be clearly documented.
3) You will be working in team environments in this course, and your
work as a team will be used to determine grades. As such, it is your
responsibility, when asked, to:
a) accurately describe the work that you have done on a team project.
Claiming credit for work that you have not done or that others did
instead is a violation of the code.
b) accurately describe (to the best of your knowledge) the performance
of other team members. “Covering” for another team member
(claiming they did more work than you know they did) or
“spiking” them (claiming they did less work than you know they
did) are examples of honor code violations.
c) prevent (as best you can) or report (known) violations of the honor
code by your other team members. You share responsibility when a
project is turned in; if you are aware of a teammate having violated
the code in his/her work on the project, and do not report it, you are
claiming credit for that violation yourself.
If there are any questions or concerns about whether an action is
appropriate, you should check with the professor or teaching assistant
first. If in doubt, assume that it is not appropriate.
List of studentsCourse description
Programming, like drawing, writing, and many other skills, improves
with practice. This class provides an intensive programming
experience that integrates core concepts in Computer Science and
familiarizes students with a variety of programming/development tools
and techniques. Students will primarily work in small teams on
month-long projects emphasizing different specializations within
computer science. The course focuses on honing good programming
techniques to ease code integration, reuse, and clarity.Prerequisites
This class is intended for students who have completed CPSC 314,
Programming Languages, and are concurrently taking CPSC 313 "Intro
to Computer Systems". It is meant to be somewhat of a capstone
course for the lower-level computer science courses, before taking
courses in the upper-level tracks.
Approximate class scheduleGrading
Class participation 10%
Solo project 10%
Project lead effort 20%
Team projects 60% (20% each project)
The Assignments Page will be updated throughout the semester
as new assignments are available.Class participation
You are expected to attend each lecture and lab period. Missing
lectures or labs will result in a lower class participation grade.
Academic Honesty
The Aggie Honor Code is: “An Aggie does not lie, cheat, or steal or
tolerate those who do.” Upon accepting admission to Texas A&M
University, a student immediately assumes a commitment to uphold the
Honor Code, to accept responsibility for learning, and to follow the
philosophy and rules of the Honor System. Students will be required to
state their commitment on examinations, research papers, and other
academic work. Ignorance of the rules does not exclude any member of
the TAMU community from the requirements or the processes of the Honor
System. For additional information please visit:
ADA Statement:
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a federal
antidiscrimination statute that provides comprehensive civil rights
protection for persons with disabilities. Among other things, this
legislation requires that all students with disabilities be guaranteed
a learning environment that provides for reasonable accommodation of
their disabilities. If you believeyou have a disability requiring an
accommodation, please contact the Office of Disability Services in
Cain Hall, Rm. B118, or call 845-1637.