Important: All writing should be the work of the student -- any text taken from other sources needs to be quoted and referenced. It is expected that students will correct grammar and spelling -- these are grounds to deduct from your grade. (i.e. Use a spelling checker and reread what you write before turning it in.)
Create a personal web page for this class. It will be where you
place links to other writings/work you do during the semester. On this
page you need to include your name, a photo of yourself, and a brief
statement on why you are in this class. You can use any web page
hosting service and can use a template -- I care about the content,
not how you create the page.
The main content of this page should be a list of media you frequently
use -- you should subdivide the higher-level media (e.g. television),
into more specific media (e.g. science fiction shows). Feel free to
add specific instances (e.g. Stranger Things, Andor) although you
do not need to specify all. As a starting point, one categorization of
high-level media might be text, music, games, still images, moving images
and then subdivide these based on genres and/or device (some media are
more intrinsically on a particular device, e.g. cell phone,
television, smart speaker, etc.)
Remember to make sure your website is publicly accessible (e.g. in
particular, be sure access does not require logging in for Google
Tools to assist in writing and other forms of generating content have been around for centuries. The type of support tools can provide and the role they play in generation has rapidly changed in the last couple years. This assignment is to reflect on these tools.
Part 1:
Describe your experiences with generative AI tools such as ChatGPT, Claude, and Google Gemini. This should include how you do and do not use these tools. Be specific. (1/2 page)
Part 2:
Given your experience, what are these tools good at and what are they not good at? If you have not used the tools, discuss why you have not used them. (1/2 page)
445/656 Assignment 1:
Due by end of day on January 28 445/656 Assignment 2:
Due by end of day on February 11