Vivek Sarin
Biographical informationResume (pdf)Refereed Publications |
Research InterestsNumerical algorithms Parallel computing Computational science Data mining and analysis Current StudentsFormer StudentsThomas George (PhD, IBM IRL) Kasturi Kannan (PhD 2008) Hemant Mahawar (PhD 2006, Microsoft) Meiqiu Wang (PhD 2008)
Radhika Gupta (MS 2004) Sreekanth Juttu (MS 2003, Xilinx) Sreekanth R. Sambavaram (MS 2002, Insomniac Games) Xue Wang (MS 2004) Personal |
TeachingSummer 2011CSCE 222: Discrete Structures in Computing Spring 2011CSCE 489: Parallel Computing (a.k.a. CSCE 435) CSCE 689: Parallel Computing CSCE 659: Parallel and Distributed Numerical Algorithms Fall 2010ENGR 111: Foundations of Engineering (ECE) Courses TaughtCSCE 222: Discrete Structures in Computing CPSC 311: Introduction to Algorithms CPSC 442: Scientific Programming CSCE 489: Parallel Computing (a.k.a. CSCE 435) ENGR 111: Foundations of Engineering (ECE) CPSC 653: Computer Methods in Applied Sciences CPSC 659: Parallel and Distributed Numerical Algorithms CPSC 660: Computational Linear Algebra CPSC 689: Data Mining CPSC 689: Iterative Methods for Linear Systems CPSC 689: Advanced Topics in Iterative Methods CSCE 689: Parallel Computing |
Updated by Vivek Sarin on November 19, 2010