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CSCE 222: Discrete Structures for Computing

Course Description This course teaches fundamental tools, ideas, and principles underlying the field of computer science. The class trains students to rigorously formulate and solve problems relevant to all areas of computer science. It challenges students to develop their general reasoning ability.

The course will include topics such as: logic and proofs; sets, functions, relations, sequences and summations; counting; fundamentals of the analysis of algorithms; proof techniques; recursion; finite state machines; computability and undecidability.
Location HRBB 124
Time [501] MWF 1:50pm - 2:40pm
[503] MWF 3:00pm - 3:50pm
Instructor Philip C. Ritchey
Email: p c r at tamu dot edu
Office: HRBB 326
Office Hours: MWF 8am - 9am, MW 4pm - 6pm, and by appointment
Teaching Assistant Sicheng "Sharon" Wang
Email: sharonwang
Office: HRBB 320
Office Hours: MF 10am -- 12pm, TR 11:10 -- 12pm, MTWR 8pm -- 9pm, and by appointment.
Peer Teachers The website containing the office hours for the peer teachers is http://engineering.tamu.edu/cse/academics/peer-teachers/current-peer-teachers
\(\LaTeX\) Homework must be typed. \(\LaTeX\) or \(\TeX\) is strongly preferred.
Dr. Lee's LaTeX slides
Starting out with TeX, LaTeX, and friends
(The Not So Short) Introduction to LaTex
Short Math Guide for LaTex (for reference)
Comprehensive LaTex Symbol List (for reference)
Version Control Use of a cloud-based version control system is strongly encouraged.
Learn Git
Git Tools
eCampus can also be used for version control.