117.Wu, G., Chen, J., and Wang, J.,
``On scheduling inclined jobs on multiple two-stage flowshops,''
Theoretical Computer Science, in press.
116. Xu, C., Chen, J., and Wang, J.,
``Resolution and linear CNF formulas: improved (n,3)-MaxSAT algorithms,''
Theoretical Computer Science, in press.
115.Shi, F., Chen, J., Feng, Q., and Wang, J.,
``A parameterized algorithm for the maximum agreement forest problem
on multiple rooted multifurcating trees,''
Journal of Computer and System Sciences 97, pp. 28-44, 2018.
114. Lin, M., Feng, Q., Wang, J., Chen, J., Fu, B., and Li, W.,
``An improved FPT algorithm for almost forest deletion problem,''
Information Processing Letters 136, pp. 30-36, 2018.
113. Zhang, T., Wang, J., Huang, J., Chen, J., Pan, Y., Min, G.,
``Tuning the aggressive TCP behavior for highly concurrent HTTP
connections in intra-datacenter,''
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking 25-6, pp. 3808-3822, 2017.
112. Bhuiyan, A., Wu, J., Wang, G., Chen, Z., Chen, J., Wang, T.,
``Quality-guaranteed event-sensitive data collection and monitoring
in vibration sensor networks,''
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 13-2,
pp. 572-583, 2017.
111. Chen, J., Xu, C., and Wang, J.,
``Dealing with 4-variables by resolution: an improved MaxSAT algorithm,''
Theoretical Computer Science 670, pp. 33-44, 2017.
110. Li, W., Wang, J., Chen, J., and Cao, Y.,
``Deeper locak search for parameterized and approximation
algorithms on maximum internal spanning tree,''
Information & Computation 252, pp. 187-200, 2017.
109. Li, W., Feng, Q., Chen, J., Hu, S.,
``Improved kernel results for some FPT problems based on simple
Theoretical Computer Science 657, pp. 20-27, 2017.
108. Chen, J., Shi, F., and Wang, J.,
``Approximating maximum agreement forest on multiple binary trees,''
Algorithmica 76-4, pp. 867-889, 2016.
107. Akleman, E., Chen, J., and Gross, J. L.,
``Extended graph rotation systems as a model for cyclic
weaving on orientable surfaces,''
Discrete Applied Mathematics 193, pp. 61-79, 2015.
106. Zhang, T., Wang, J., Huang, J., Huang, Y., Chen, J., and Pan, Y.,
``Adaptive-acceleration data center TCP,''
IEEE Transactions on Computers 64, pp. 1522-1533, 2015.
105. Cao, Y., Chen, J., and Liu, Y.,
``On feedback vertex set: new measure and new structures,''
Algorithmica 73, pp. 63-86, 2015.
104. Akleman, E., Chen, J., and Gross, J.,
``Block meshes: topologically robust shape modeling with
graphs embedded on 3-manifolds,''
Computer & Graphics 46, pp. 306-326, 2015.
103. Liu, Y., Wang, J., You, J., Chen, J., and Cao, Y.,
``Edge deletion problems: branching facilitated by modular decomposition,''
Theoretical Computer Science 573, pp. 63-70, 2015.
102. Chen, J., Fan, J.-H., and Sze, S.-H.,
``Parameterized and approximation algorithms for maximum
agreement forest in multifurcating trees,''
Theoretical Computer Science 562, pp. 496-512, 2015.
101. Wang, J., Tan, P., Yao, J., Feng, Q., Chen, J.,
``On the minimum link-length rectilinear spanning path
problem: complexity and algorithms,''
IEEE Transactions on Computers 63-12, pp. 3092-3100, 2014.
100. Shi, F., Wang, J., Chen, J., Feng, Q., Guo, J.,
``Algorithms for parameterized maximum agreement forest
problem on multiple trees,''
Theoretical Computer Science 554, pp. 207-216, 2014.
99. Feng, Q., Wang, J., and Chen, J.,
``Matching and weighted P2-packing: algorithms and kernels,''
Theoretical Computer Science 522, pp. 85-94, 2014.
98. Luo, W., Wang, J., Guo, J., and Chen, J.,
``Parameterized complexity of max-lifetime targe coverage
in wireless sensor networks,''
Theoretical Computer Science 518, pp. 32-41, 2014.
97. Cao, Y., Chen, J., and Fan, J.-H.,
``An O*(1.84^k) parameterized algorithm for the multiterminal
cut problem,''
Information Processing Letters 114, pp. 167-173, 2014.
96. Luo, W., Wang, J., Feng, Q., Guo, J., and Chen, J.,
``Improved linear problem kernel for planar connected
dominating set,''
Theoretical Computer Science 511, pp. 2-12, 2013.
95. Akleman, E., Xing, Q., Garigipati, P., Taubin, G.,
Chen, J., and Hu. S.,
``Hamiltonian cycle art: surface covering wire sculptures
and duotone surfaces,''
Computer & Graphics 37-5, pp. 316-332, 2013.
94. Wang, J., Yang, Y., Guo, J., and Chen, J.,
``Planar graph vertex partition for linear problem kernels,''
Journal of Computer and System Sciences 79,
pp. 609-621, 2013.
93. Sastry, S., Radeva, T., Chen, J., and Welch, J.,
``Reliable networks with unreliable sensors,''
Pervasive and Mobile Computing 9, pp. 311-323, 2013.
92. Chen, J., Kanj, I., Meng, J., Xia, G., and Zhang, F.,
``Parameterized top-K algorithms,''
Theoretical Computer Science 470,
pp. 105-119, 2013.
91. Fan, J.-H., Chen, J., and Sze, H.-S.,
``Identifying complexes from protein interaction networks
according to different types of neighborhood density,''
Journal of Computational Biology 19,
pp. 1284-1294, 2012.
90. Liu, Y., Wang, J., Guo, J., and Chen, J.,
``Complexity and parameterized algorithms for
cograph editing,''
Theoretical Computer Science 461, pp. 45-54, 2012.
89. Chen, J., Fan, J.-H., Kanj, I., Liu, Y., and Zhang, F.,
``Multicut in trees viewed through the eyes of vertex cover,''
Journal of Computer and System Sciences 78-5,
pp. 1637-1650, 2012.
88. Hu, S., Xing, Q., Akleman, E., Chen, J., and Gross, J.,
``Pattern mapping with quad-pattern-coverable quad-meshes,''
Computers & Graphics 36-5, pp. 455-465, 2012.
87. Cao, Y. and Chen, J.,
``Cluster editing: kernelization based on edge cuts,''
Algorithmica 64, pp. 152-169, 2012.
86. Chen, J., Liu, Y., Lu, S., Sze, S.-H., Zhang, F.,
``Iterative expansion and color coding: an improved
algorithm for 3D-matching,''
ACM Transactions on Algorithms 8,
Article 6, 2012.
85. Chen, J. and Meng, J.,
``A 2k kernel for the cluster editing problem,''
Journal of Computer and System Sciences 78,
pp. 211-220, 2012.
84. Chen, J., Feng, Q., Liu, Y., Lu, S., and Wang, J.,
``Improved deterministic algorithms for weighted matching and
packing problems,''
Theoretical Computer Science 412, pp. 2503-2512, 2011.
83. Akleman, E., Chen, J., Chen, Y., Xing, Q., and Gross, J.,
``Cyclic twill-woven objects,''
Computers & Graphics 35, pp. 623-631, 2011.
82. Zhang, F., Jiang, A., and Chen, J.,
``On planarization of wireless sensor networks,''
Algorithmica 60, pp. 593-608, 2011.
81. Wang, J., Li, M., Chen, J., Pan, Y.,
``A fast hierarchical clustering algorithm for function modules
discovery in protein interaction networks,''
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and
Bioinformatics 8, pp. 607-620, 2011.
80. Wang, J., Feng, Q., and Chen, J.,
``An O*(3.53^{3k}-time parameterized algorithm for the
3-set packing problem,''
Theoretical Computer Science 412,
pp. 1745-1753, 2011.
79. Chen, J., Jiang, A., Kanj, I., Xia, G., and Zhang, F.,
``Separability and topology control of quasi unit disk graphs,''
Wireless Networks 17, pp. 53-67, 2011.
78. Xie, M., Wang, J., and Chen, J.,
``A practical parameterized algorithm for the individual
haplotyping problem MLF,''
Mathematical Structures in Computer Science 20,
pp. 851-863, 2010.
77. Wang, J., Li, W., and Chen, J.,
``A parameterized algorithm for the hyperplane-cover problem,''
Theoretical Computer Science 411,
pp. 4005-4009, 2010.
76. Chen, J., Kanj, I., Xia, G.,
``Improved upper bounds for vertex cover,''
Theoretical Computer Science 411,
pp. 3736-3756, 2010.
75. Wang, J., Ning, D., Feng, Q., and Chen, J.,
``An improved kernelization for P_2-packing,''
Information Processing Letters 110-5,
pp. 188-192, 2010.
74. Wang, J., Xie, M., and Chen, J.,
``A practical exact algorithm for the individual haplotying
problem MEC/GI,''
Algorithmica 56(3), pp. 283-296, 2010.
73. Akleman, E., Chen, J., Xing, Q., and Gross, J.,
``Cyclic plain-weaving on polygonal mesh surfaces with
graph rotation systems,''
ACM Transactions on Graphics 28-3, Article No. 78, 2009.
72. Chen, J., Kneis, J., Lu, S., Molle, D.,
Richter, S., Rossmanith, P., Sze, S.-H., and Zhang, F.,
``Randomized divide-and-conquer: improved path, matching,
and packing algorithms,''
SIAM Journal on Computingt 38(6), pp. 2526-2547, 2009.
71. Chen, J. and Lu, S.,
``Improved parameterized set splitting algorithms:
a probabilistic approach,''
Algorithmica 54, pp. 472-489, 2009
70. Liu, Y., Chen, J., and Wang, J.,
``On counting 3-D matchings of size k,''
Algorithmica 54, pp. 530-543, 2009.
69. Chen, J., Liu, Y., and Lu, S.,
``An improved parameterized algorithm for the minimum
node multiway cut problem,''
Algorithmica 55, pp. 1-13, 2009.
68. Chen, J., Kanj, I., and Xia, G.,
``On parameterized exponential time complexity,''
Theoretical Computer Science 410, pp. 2641-2648, 2009.
67. Chen, J., Kanj, I., Meng, J., Xia, G., and
Zhang, F.,
``On the pesudo-achromatic number problem,''
Theoretical Computer Science 410, pp. 818-829, 2009.
66. Chen, J., Liu, Y., Lu, S., O'Sullivan, B., and
Razgon, I.,
``A fixed-parameter algorithm for the directed feedback
vertex set problem,''
Journal of the ACM 55(5), 2008.
65. Li, M., Chen, J., Wang, J., Hu, B., Chen, G.,
``Modifying the DPClus algorithm for identifying
protein complexes based on new topological structures,''
BMC Bioinformatics 9:398, pp. 1-16, 2008.
64. Chen, J., Fomin, F., Liu, Y., Lu, S., and Villanger, Y.,
``Improved algorithms for feedback vertex set problems,''
Journal of Computer and System Sciences 74,
pp. 1188-1198, 2008.
63. Xie, M., Wang, J., and Chen, J.,
``A model of higher accuracy for the individual haplotyping
problem based on weighted SNP fragments and genotype with
Bioinformatics 24, pp. i105-i113, 2008.
62. Wang, J., Chen, J., and Huang, M.,
``An improved lower bound on approximation algorithms for
the closest substring problem,''
Information Processing Letters 107, pp. 24-28, 2008.
61. Chen, J. and Meng, J.,
``On parameterized intractability: hardness and completeness,''
The Computer Journal 51, pp. 39-59, 2008.
60. Chen, J., Fernau, H., Kanj, I., and Xia, G.,
``Paramettric duality and kernelization: lower bounds and
upper bounds on kernel size,''
SIAM Journal on Computing 37, pp. 1077-1106, 2007.
59. Chen, J., Kanj, I., Perkovic, L., Sedgwick, E., and Xia, G.,
``Genus characterizes the complexity of certain graph problems:
some tight results,''
Journal of Computer and System Sciences 73, pp. 892-907, 2007.
58. Xie, M., Chen, J., and Wang, J.,
``Research on parameterized algorithms of the individual
haplotyping problem,''
Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology 5,
pp. 795-816, 2007.
57. Lu, S., Zhang, F., Chen, J., and Sze, S.-H.,
``Finding pathway structures in protein interaction networks,''
Algorithmica 48, pp. 363-374, 2007.
56. Chen, J., Wang, G., Lin, C., Wang, T., and Wang, G.,
``Probabilistic analysis on mesh network fault tolerance,''
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 67,
pp. 100-110, 2007.
55. Chen, J., Huang, X., Kanj, I., and Xia, G.,
``Polynomial time approximation schemes and parameterized complexity,''
Discrete Applied Mathematics 155,
pp. 180-193, 2007.
54. Huang, J., Chen, J., Chen, S., and Wang, J.,
``A simple linear time approximation algorithm for
multi-processor job scheduling on four processors,''
Journal of Combinatorial Optimization 13,
pp. 33-45, 2007.
53. Chen, J., Huang, X., Kanj, I., and Xia, G.,
``Strong computational lower bounds via parameterized complexity,''
Journal of Computer and System Sciences 72, pp. 1346-1367, 2006.
52. Chen, J. and Zhang, F.,
``On product covering in 3-tier supply chain models:
natural complete problems for W[3] and W[4],''
Theoretical Computer Science 363, pp. 278-288, 2006.
51. Chen, J., Huang, X., Kanj, I., and Xia, G.,
``On the computational hardness based on linear FPT-reductions,''
Journal of Combinatorial Optimization 11, pp. 231-247, 2006.
50. Chen, J., Kanj, I., and Xia, G.,
``Labeled search trees and amortized analysis:
improved upper bounds for NP-hard problems,''
Algorithmica 43, pp. 245-273, 2005.
49. Chen, J., Chor, B., Fellows, M., Huang, X.,
Juedes, D., Kanj, I., and Xia, G.,
``Tight lower bounds for certain parameterized NP-hard problems,''
Information and Computation 201, pp. 216-231, 2005.
48. Chen, J., Kanj, I., and Wang, G.,
``Hypercube network fault tolerance: a probabilistic approach,''
Journal of Interconnection Networks 6, pp. 17-34, 2005.
47. Chen, J. and Kanj, I.,
``On approximating minimum vertex cover for graphs
with perfect matching,''
Theoretical Computer Science 337, pp. 305-318, 2005.
46. Chen, J. and Kanj, I.,
``Improved exact algorithms for Max-SAT,''
Discrete Applied Mathematics 142, pp. 17-27, 2004.
45. Chen, J., D. Friesen, Kanj, I., and Jia, W.,
``Using nondeterminism to design efficient deterministic algorithms,''
Algorithmica 40, pp. 83-97, 2004.
44. Deng, H., Chen, J., Li, Q., Li, R., and Gao, Q.,
``On the construction of most reliable networks,''
Discrete Applied Mathematics 140, pp. 19-33, 2004.
43. Sui, H., Wang, J., Chen, J., and Chen, S.,
``The cost of becoming anonymous: on the participant payload in Crowds,''
Information Processing Letters 90, pp. 81-86, 2004.
42. Jia, W., Zhang, C., and Chen, J.,
``An efficient parameterized algorithm for m-set packing,''
Journal of Algorithms 50, pp. 106-117, 2004.
41. Chen, J. and Kanj, I.,
``Constrained minimum vertex cover in bipartite graphs:
complexity and parameterized algorithms,''
Journal of Computer and System Sciences 67, pp. 833-847, 2003.
40. Akleman, E., Chen, J., and Srinivasan, V.,
``A minimal and complete set of operators for the development
of robust manifold mesh modelers,''
Graphical Models 65, pp. 286-304, 2003.
39. Oh, E. and Chen, J.,
``On strong Menger-connectivity of star graphs,''
Discrete Applied Mathematics 129, pp. 499-511, 2003.
38. Oh, E. and Chen, J.,
``Strong fault-tolerance: parallel routing in star networks with faults,''
Journal of Interconnection Networks 4, pp. 113-126, 2003.
37. Malpani, N. and Chen, J.,
``A note on practical construction of maximum bandwidth paths,''
Information Processing Letters 83, pp. 175-180, 2002.
36. Chen, J., Wang, G., and Chen, S.,
``Locally subcube-connected hypercube networks:
theoretical analysis and experimental results,''
The IEEE Transactions on Computers 51, pp. 530-540, 2002.
35. Akleman, E., Chen, J., Srinivasan, V., and Eryoldas, F.,
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34. Chen, J., Kanj, I., and Jia, W.,
``Vertex cover: further observations and further improvements,''
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33. Chen, J., Wang, G., and Chen, S.,
``Routing in hypercube networks with a constant
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32. Chen, J. and Miranda, A.,
``A polynomial time approximation scheme for general multiprocessor
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31. Chen, J., Liu, L., and Jia, W.,
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30. Akleman, E. and Chen, J.,
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29. Chen, J., Friesen, D., and Zheng H.,
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28. Chen, J. and Kanchi, S. P.,
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27. Chen, C. and Chen, J.,
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26. Chen, J. and Lee, C.-Y.,
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25. Cai, L., Chen, J., and Hastad, J.,
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24. Chen, C. and Chen, J.,
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22. Cai, L., Chen, J., Downey, R. G., and Fellows, M. R.,
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20. Chen, J., ``Algorithmic graph embeddings,''
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19. Chen, J., Kanchi, S. P., and Kanevsky, A.,
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18. Cai, L. and Chen, J.,
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17. Cai, L., Chen, J., Downey, R. G., and Fellows, M. R.,
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16. Chen, J., Kanchi, S., and Gross, J. L.,
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15. Gross, J. L. and Chen, J.,
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14. Chen, J., Archdeacon, D., and Gross, J. L.,
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13. Cai, L., Chen, J., Downey, R. G., and Fellows, M. R.,
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12. Cai, L. and Chen, J.,
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