
B-Trees are a variation on binary search trees that allow quick searching in files on disk. Instead of storing one key and having two children, B-tree nodes have n keys and n+1 children, where n can be large. This shortens the tree (in terms of height) and requires much less disk access than a binary search tree would. The algorithms are a bit more complicate, requiring more computation than a binary search tree, but this extra complication is worth it because computation is much cheaper than disk access.

Disk Access

Secondary storage usually refers to the fixed disks found in modern computers. These devices contain several platters of magnetically sensitive material rotating rapidly. Data is stored as changes in the magnetic properties on different portions of the platters. Data is separated into tracks, concentric circles on the platters. Each track is further divided into sectors which form the unit of a transaction between the disk and the CPU. A typical sector size is 512 bytes. The data is read and written by arms that go over the platters, accessing different sectors as they are requested. The disk is spinning at a constant rate (7200 RPM is typical for 1998 mid-range systems).

The time it takes to access data on secondary storage is a function of three variables:

So an arbitrary 512-byte sector can be accessed (read or written) in roughly 15 milliseconds. Subsequent reads to an adjacent area of the disk will be much faster, since the head is already in exactly the right place. Data can be arranged into "blocks" that are these adjacent multi-sector aggregates.

Contrast this to access times to RAM. A typical non-sequential RAM access takes on the order of scores of nanoseconds. This is about a million times faster; we can do at least one million memory accesses in the time it takes to do one disk access.

So, we had better make each disk access count as much as possible. This is what B-trees do.

For the purposes of discussion, records we might want to search through (bank records, student records, etc.) are stored on disk along with their keys (account number, social security number, etc.), and many are all stored on the same disk "block." The size of a block and the amount of data can be tuned with experimentation or analysis beyond the scope of this lecture. In practice, sometimes only "pointers" to other disk blocks are stored in internal nodes of a B-tree, with leaf nodes containing the real data; this allows storing many more keys and/or having smaller (and thus faster) blocks.

B-Tree Definition

Here is a sample B-tree:
			       _/    |    \_
			     _/      |      \_
			   _/        |        \_
			 _/          |          \_
		       _/            |            \_
		     _/              |              \_
		   _/                |                \_
	________ _/          ________|              ____\_________
       |_5_|_20_|           |_40_|_50_|            |_70_|_80_|_90_|
      /    |     \          /    |    \           /     |    |     \
     /     |      \        /     |     \         /      |    |      \
    /      |       |      |      |      |       |       |    |       \
   /       |       |      |      |      |       |       |    |        \
|1|3| |6|7|8| |12|16|  |32|39||42|48||51|55|  |61|64| |71|75||83|86| |91|95|99|
B-tree nodes have a variable number of keys and children, subject to some constraints. In many respects, they work just like binary search trees, but are considerably "fatter." The following definition is from the book, with some references to the above example:

A B-tree is a tree with root root[T] with the following properties:

  1. Every node has the following fields:
  2. If x is an internal node, it contains n[x]+1 pointers c1, c2, ... , cn[x], cn[x]+1 to its children. For example, in the above B-tree, the root node has two keys, thus three children. Leaf nodes have no children so their ci fields are undefined.
  3. The keys keyi[x] separate the ranges of keys stored in each subtree: if ki is any key stored in the subtree with root ci[x], then
    k1 <= key1[x] <= k2 <= key2[x] <= ... <= keyn[x][x] <= kn[x]+1.
    For example, everything in the far left subtree of the root is numbered less than 30. Everything in the middle subtree is between 30 and 60, while everything in the far right subtree is greater than 60. The same property can be seen at each level for all keys in non-leaf nodes.
  4. Every leaf has the same depth, which is the tree's height h. In the above example, h=2.
  5. There are lower and upper bounds on the number of keys a node can contain. These bounds can be expressed in terms of a fixed integer t >= 2 called the minimum degree of the B-tree:

Some Analysis

Theorem 19.1 in the book states that any n-key B-tree with n > 1 of height h and minimum degree t satisfies the following property:
h <= logt(n+1)/2
That of course gives us that the height of a B-tree is always O(log n), but that log hides an impressive performance gain over regular binary search trees (since performance of algorithms will be proportional to the height of the tree in many cases).

Consider a binary search tree arranged on a disk, with pointers being the byte offset in the file where a child occurs. A typical situation will have maybe 50 bytes of information, 4 bytes of key, and 8 bytes (two 32-bit integers) for left and right pointers. That makes 62 bytes that will comfortably fit in a 512-byte sector. In fact, we can put many such nodes in the same sector; however, when our n (= number of nodes) grows large, it is unlikely that the same two nodes will be accessed sequentially, so access to each node will cost roughly one disk access. In the best possible case, the a binary tree with n nodes is of height about floor(log2n). So searching for an arbitrary node will take about log2n disk accesses. In a file with one million nodes, for instance, the phone book for a medium-sized city, this is about 20 disk accesses. Assuming the 15 millisecond access time. a single access will take 0.3 seconds.

Contrast this with a B-tree with records that fit into one 512-byte sector. Let t=4. Then each node can have up to 8 children, 7 keys. With 50*7 bytes of information, 4*7 bytes of keys, 4*8 bytes of children pointers, and 4 bytes to store n[x], we have 414 bytes of information fitting comfortably into a 512 byte sector. With one million records, we would have to do log41,000,000 = 10 disk accesses, taking 0.15 seconds, reducing by a half the time it takes. If we choose to keep all the information in the leaves as suggested above and only keep pointer and key information, we can fit up to 64 keys and let t=32. Now the number of disk accesses in our example is less than or equal to log32 1,000,000 = 4. In practice, up to a few thousand keys can be supported with blocks spanning many sectors; such blocks take only a tiny bit longer to access than a single arbitrary access, so performance is still improved.

Of course, asymptotically, the number of accesses is "the same," but for real-world numbers, B-trees are a lot better. The key is the fact that disk access times are much slower than memory and computation time. If we were to implement B-trees using real memory and pointers, there would probably be no performance improvement whatsoever because of the algorithmic overhead; indeed, there might be a performance decrease.

Operations on B-trees

Let's look at the operations on a B-tree. We assume that the root node is always kept in memory; it makes no sense to retrieve it from the disk every time since we will always need it. (In fact, it might be wise to store a "cache" of frequently used and/or low depth nodes in memory to further reduce disk accesses...)

Searching a B-tree Searching a B-tree is much like searching a binary search tree, only the decision whether to go "left" or "right" is replaced by the decision whether to go to child 1, child 2, ..., child n[x]. The following procedure, B-Tree-Search, should be called with the root node as its first parameter. It returns the block where the key k was found along with the index of the key in the block, or "null" if the key was not found:

B-Tree-Search (x, k) // search starting at node x for key k
	i = 1

	// search for the correct child

	while i <= n[x] and k > keyi[x] do
	end while

	// now i is the least index in the key array such that
	// k <= keyi[x], so k will be found here or
	// in the i'th child

	if i <= n[x] and k = keyi[x] then 
		// we found k at this node
		return (x, i)
	if leaf[x] then return null

	// we must read the block before we can work with it

	Disk-Read (ci[x])
	return B-Tree-Search (ci[x], k)
The time in this algorithm is dominated by the time to do disk reads. Clearly, we trace a path from root down possibly to a leaf, doing one disk read each time, so the number of disk reads for B-Tree-Search is O(h) = O(log n) where h is the height of the B-tree and n is the number of keys.

We do a linear search for the correct key. There are (t) keys (at least t-1 and at most 2t-1), and this search is done for each disk access, so the computation time is O(t log n). Of course, this time is very small compared to the time for disk accesses. If we have some spare time one day, in between reading Netscape and playing DOOM, we might consider using a binary search (remember, the keys are nondecreasing) and get this down to O(log t log n).