Applications of Computers in Engineering

Many important engineering achievments have been made possible with computers. Your book points out a few: Here are a couple of more obvious applications of computer programming: All of these applications, and hundreds of thousands more, require computer programming in a high-level language like C. Someone has to write the programs that control all of these applications. When we begin to learn to program, we write simple programs that don't seem to do much, but the knowledge gained by doing these exercises is essential before you can start working on larger programs.

Computer Organization: Hardware

This diagram shows the organization of the hardware in a computer.
                       |  _________  |
                       |  |  CPU  |  |
                       |  ----|----  |
                       |      |      |           
                       |      |b     |          
                       |      |u     |         
                       |      |s     |           
                       |  ____|____  |        
Secondary Storage  ----|--|   MM  |--|---- Output Devices
Communications     ----|--|rom____|  |
                        Input Devices