CSCE 614 Spring 2020 Second Exam Instructions

The exam will be made available a few minutes before 3:55pm on Thursday, April 23, 2020 at the following URL:

Before the test, please prepare several sheets of paper to write your answers. Do not refer to your book or any other material. Do not communicate with anyone during the test. At or before 3:55pm, join the class through Zoom as normal through this link: If you have questions for the professor during the test, please ask them through the "chat" feature of Zoom. Do not use the chat feature (nor any other channel) to communicate with others. If you see a chat pop up during the Zoom session, assume it is the professor broadcasting some useful information and feel free to read it.

Toward the end of the test, the professor will periodically verbally inform you of the amount of time remaining. At 5:10pm, the test will be finished.

Write your answers on your own paper. Make sure to write your name in the upper right-hand corner of each page. Your answers must be clear and legible. Only the answers you write will be graded. If a question seems ambiguous, state any assumptions you need to make to work the problem.

When you are finished with your test, write the following statement on the last page you turn in: "On my honor, as an Aggie, I have neither given nor received unauthorized aid on this academic work." Then sign your name underneath the statement. Tests turned in without this signed statement will not be graded.

When time is called, take a photo of each page of paper you would like to be considered for grading, then send all the photos as attachments in a single email message to

It should take no more than 15 minutes to photograph and email all your pages. Tests received after 5:25pm will not be accepted.