CSCE 312, Fall 2023
Computer Organization
Homework 3
Due Thursday, February 24, 2022
Do the following homework problems from the book:
- 2.58 on page 128: Write a function is_little_endian that will
return 1 when compiled and run on a little-endian machine, and will return
0 when compiled and run on a big-endian machine. This program should run
on any machine, regardless of its word size.
- 2.59 on page 128: Write a C expression that will yield a word consisting
of the least significant byte of x, and the remaining bytes of
y. For operands x = 0x89ABCDEF and y
= 0x76543210, this would give 0x765432EF.
- 2.74 on page 134: Write a function with the following prototype:
/* Determine whether arguments can be subtracted without overflow */
int tsub_ok (int x, int y);
This function should return 1 if the computation x - y does not overflow, 0 otherwise.
- 2.82: We are running programs on a machine where values of type int are 32 bits.
They are represented in two's complement, and they are right shifted arithmetically. Values of type unsigned are
also 32 bits.
We generate arbitrary values x and y, and convert them to unsigned values as follows:
/* Create some arbitrary values */
int x = random();
int y = random();
/* Convert to unsigned */
unsigned ux = (unsigned) x;
unsigned uy = (unsigned) y;
For each of the following C expressions, you are to indicate whether or not the expression always yields 1. If it always yields 1, describe the underlying mathematical principles. Otherwise, give an example of arguments that make it yield 0.
- (x < y) == (-x > -y)
- ((x + y) << 4) + y - x == 17*y + 15*x
- ~x + ~y + 1 == ~(x+y)
- (ux - uy) == -(unsigned) (y - x)
- ((x >> 2) << 2) <= x
When the problems call for C code, make sure the code you write actually
compiles and runs correctly on an x86 Linux system.
- Write a minimal sum-of-products formula for a function f
in four variables x3, x2,
x1, and x0, such
that f(x3, x2,
x1, x0) is true if and only if
the 4-bit unsigned integer represented by x0-3, with
x0 as the least significant bit, is not prime.
Note that 0 and 1 are not prime. Use a Karnaugh map. Show your work.
Write up the answers to these homework problems using a word processor
or typesetting program and turn it in using Canvas
by 11:59pm CDT, Thursday, February 24, 2022.
Use a computerized drawing program, not a scanned hand-drawn K-map. All other work must be word-processed. Make sure to
turn in only one PDF file containing everything you intend to turn in.
You may not work together on this assignment. Late assignments will
not be accepted.