Overview Notes on Precept Study on Isaiah Tim Davis Sept 26, 2010 Isaiah Part 1 The Word of the Holy One to Israel, the Remnant, and the Nations . . . and the Promise of the Child to Be BornĀ (Chapters 1-39) (14 lessons) Isaiah is the crown jewel of Old Testament prophets, a book that strikes awe in the heart of its reader, especially when its poetry is read in the Hebrew. Prophecies from Isaiah are mentioned in twenty-two places in the Gospels, Acts, and Romans. The words of Isaiah were often found on the lips of the Christ, the Messiah prophesied in Isaiah. If Jesus, God incarnate, honored this grand and glorious book so highly, then you and I ought to do the same. In Isaiah Part 1, we'll meet the Holy One of Israel, and learn how He deals with those who claim Him as God but don't honor Him as God in the way that they live. And we'll find the destiny of nations, the future of all mankind ... including ours. Isaiah Part 2 Comfort My PeopleĀ (Chapers 40-66) (9 lessons) In Isaiah 40-66 the Lord told Isaiah to speak kind words to Israel. He wanted to comfort His people with His words. After their punishment for sins, there will be great restoration for them. This study will give you a taste of the world's future. Goals for lesson zero: ---------------------- (1) Introduction to the Precept method of inductive Bible study (2) Get started into lesson 1, working on parts of it together. so we'll spend 2 weeks on lesson 1. Goal (1) Introduction to the Precept method of inductive Bible study : observe, interpret, apply In contrast to proof-texting, which starts with an idea then goes to find Scripture to support that idea. Inductive study goes in the opposite direction: 0) PRAY. 1) observe: who, what, where, when, why, and how (5 W's and an H) Just let the text speak itself. Go to cross references and related passages to get better understanding. Goal of this step is just to get the basic facts, specific events, commands/ words of God 2) interpret: take the specific facts observed in step 1, and interpret them, broaden them to a wider / more thorough understanding. Seeing the big picture from the pieces observed. 3) apply: the take-home message. how will this change my life? 4) PRAY. Materials in the study: 1) lessons 1 to 14. discuss marking process. why mark: (a) help observe the text: direct purpose (b) requires careful reading of the text: indirect purpose Be sure to read the new-comers guidline 2) appendix: resources used across lessons * Isaiah Observation worksheets: the text of Isaiah itself, to be marked on * Isaiah at a Glance: the outline YOU create of Isaiah * 2 timelines: Isaiah's Division & Captivity chart: close-view timeline Isaiah' Timeline: big picture timeline * End-Times list: what you observe in Isaiah about the end times * two maps: map of Israel, and "big picture" map * Prophetic Points of History: symbolic timeline * article on Assyria Overview of a lesson: skim the lessons of each day to get an idea of what the goals are for the 5-day lesson, and what is planned for each day. Goal (2) getting started on Lesson 1, together Lesson 1, for first class: Do Day One, questions 1 and 2 together Do Day Two, whole thing Application: "people continued to act corruptly" (2 Ch 27:2)