CSCE 315 Read-Only Bulletin Board

Last modified: 1/14/16, 10:33AM (Thu)

Newest transactions will be posted on the top. Regularly view this page to see what's going on between other students and the instructor.

All sensitive material such as your name, email address, etc. will be removed, and also any part of code that is not relevant to the discussion will not be uploaded here.

Article List

Date: 02/27/2016 Title: Project 2 Teams
Date: 01/20/2016 Title: Project 1 Teams
Date: 01/20/2016 Title: Neat Compiler Trick


Date: 02/27/2016 Title: Project 2 Teams

* Section 207 teams with 4 members will require extra work to get full marks.
* Section 509 teams with 3 members will be given a relaxed requirement.

Section 207

Team	Lastname        Firstname

1	Beardsley	Sarah
	Burk            Jonathan
	Villanueva	Nathan
2	Bub	Cassandra
	Petty	Clayton
	Stanfill Ellen
3	Irvin	Denise
	Leland	Jake
	Li	Juliang
4	Dhanju	Sahil
	Criscione Natalie
	Nelligan Trevor
5	Bonte	Kenneth
	Froeschke Harrison
	Johnson	Joseph
	Yadav	Himank
6	Gaertner	Cameron
	Mithani	Mahak
	Lee	Hojun
Section 509
7	Hunter	Bethany
	Gonzales	Dimas
	Suazo	Alejandro
	Rupert	Ivan 
9	Sims	Clifton
	Salinas	Marcus
	Ta	Brian
	Park	Deokman
10	Reed	Benjamin
	Hooton	Josh
	Turner	Zachary
	McNally-Durkin	Chris 
11	Vazquez	Victor
	Walters	Ryan
	Grimes	Jonathan 
	Blattman Nathan	 

Date: 01/20/2016 Title: Project 1 Teams

* Section 207 teams with 4 members will require extra work to get full marks.
* Section 509 teams with 3 members will be given a relaxed requirement.

Section 207

Team	Lastname        Firstname
1	Beardsley	Sarah
	Burk            Jonathan
	Villanueva	Nathan
2	Bub	Cassandra
	Petty	Clayton
	Stanfill Ellen
3	Irvin	Denise
	Leland	Jake
	Li	Juliang
4	Dhanju	Sahil
	Criscione Natalie
	Nelligan Trevor
5	Bonte	Kenneth
	Froeschke Harrison
	Johnson	Joseph
	Yadav	Himank
6	Gaertner	Cameron
	Mithani	Mahak
	Lee	Hojun
Section 509
7	Hunter	Bethany
	Gonzales	Dimas
	Suazo	Alejandro (moved from team 11)
9	Sims	Clifton
	Salinas	Marcus
	Ta	Brian
	Park	Deokman
	Rupert	Ivan (from team 8)
10	Reed	Benjamin
	Hooton	Josh
	Turner	Zachary
	McNally-Durkin	Chris 
11	Vazquez	Victor
	Walters	Ryan
	Grimes	Jonathan (moved from team 7)
	Blattman Nathan	 (from team 8)

Date: 01/20/2016 Title: Neat Compiler Trick

Here's a small trick to make it easier to define tokens and their corresponding
strings. See Steve Oualline, Practical C++ Programming, O'Reilly and Associates, Inc., 1995. pp460-461.

//  Using the define trick to generate tokens and their strings

#define _TOK T(_tik),T(_tak),T(_tok),T(_toe)

#define T(X) X
enum TOKTYPE { _TOK };

#undef T
#define T(X) #X
char TOKSTR[4][20]={ _TOK };

// The above is equivalent to

enum TOKTYPE { _tik, _tak, _tok, _toe };

char TOKSTR[4][20]={"_tik", "_tak", "_tok", "_toe" };

$Id: board.php,v 1.5 2004/08/30 23:54:24 choe Exp $