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Transmitter and Receiver

The receivers and transmitter capture and send the cell data from and to the physical outputs and inputs of the ATM switches between which the device lies and process it according to the particular physical interface characteristics of those switches. This includes any functions of decryption, decompression, and bit-level synchronization. The exact design of these units will be highly dependent on the physical media and beyond the scope of this description. The physical blocks comprising these modules is not a matter of choice since it is already described in the ATM forum literature ([2, 3]) and components for use in these modules are available.

The only design issue that needs to be noted with regard to the function of the receivers and transmitters is that they present data to the Analysis Module in parallel 16-bit words and synchronize the their presentation to the Analysis Module clock. The stipulation that data be presented to and read from the Analysis Modules in 16-bit words arises out of the need to have this device operate at clock speeds that are reasonable for implementation in integrated circuit designs that utilize the major logic families currently available. At the highest speed scenarios of data rates of 622.08 Mbps, it implies that 38.9 million 16-bit words need to be processed by every Analysis Module, which implies a maximum clock rate of 38.9 MHz for the Analysis Modules.

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Riccardo Bettati