6:00-9:00pm | RECEPTION |
8:45-9:00 | WELCOME |
9:00-9:40 | Marlan Scully (TAMU) |
. | What is the Big Deal About Quantum Computing? |
9:40-10:20 | M. Suhail Zubairy (TAMU) |
. | Implementation of Quantum Computing Algorithms |
10:40-11:20 | Thomas Walther (TAMU) |
. | From Entanglement of Atoms to an Atom Based Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Experiment |
11:20-12:00 | David Church (TAMU) |
. | Prospects for Computation using Cold, Confined, Multiply-Charged Ions |
12:00-1:20 | LUNCH BREAK |
1:20-2:00 | Mary-Beth Ruskai (UML) |
. | Capacity of Noisy Quantum Channels: Recent Results and Open Questions |
2:00-2:40 | Cris Moore (UNM,SFI) |
. | Quantum Monte Carlo Algorithms and Quantum Walks on the Hypercube |
3:00-3:40 | Martin Rötteler (U Karlsruhe) |
. | Efficient Quantum Signal Transforms and Quantum Software Reusability |
3:40-4:20 | Ron Spencer (TAMU) |
. | Spectral Associative Memories |
4:20-5:00 | Dan Ventura (PSU) |
. | Quantum Neural Computing |
8:20-9:00 | Chuck Bowden (Redstone Arsenal, Alabama) |
. | Universality in Quantum Computation |
9:00-9:40 | Ranee Brylinski (PSU) |
. | Universal Quantum Gates |
10:00-10:40 | Goong Chen (TAMU) |
. | Remarks on the Optimality Proof of a Multiobject Quantum Search Algorithm |
10:40-11:20 | Jean-Luc Brylinski (PSU) |
. | Deformations of Quantum Codes |
11:20-12:00 | Andreas Klappenecker (TAMU) |
. | The Magical World of Clifford Codes |
The Mini-Symposium is sponsored by the Santa Fe Institute