When Democritus of Abdera proposed the concept of the atom not
everyone agreed that his theory is correct. Plato argued that the
atoms forming an elephant or a crocodile never seem form different
animals such as elediles and crocophants, and the great philosopher
concluded that the concept of the atom must be flawed.
Efficient Decoherence Control Algorithms
Sponsor: NSF CCF
PI: Andreas Klappenecker
Aug 15, 2002- July 31, 2006.
This project investigates general classes of quantum error control
codes and associated fault-tolerant operations to prevent derailing of
computations on a quantum computer due to decoherence effects. The
topics being explored in this project include i) the structure of nice
error bases, ii) extensions of stabilizer codes, iii) Clifford codes,
iv) efficient encoding, recovery, and decoding algorithms for quantum
error control codes, and v) methods for the realization of fault
tolerant operations.
Educational Activities
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