
Current Course News

Wednesday, February 4

ALL project proposals are due on Monday, February 9 at the START of class (4:10 PM). By this time you should submit the written copy of your proposal (in class) and an electronic copy (to Steve via e-mail). The grading criteria is available here.

Every group will present their project proposal to the class. These presentations will be made on two days, Monday and Wednesday. So, EVERYONE needs to attend the lecture times on the 9th and 11th. For this presentation, groups will present during their usual meeting times with Dr. Gutierrez. Those times are listed here. Look at the "with instructor" times. Please keep your presentations to 10 minutes so there are 5 minutes left for questions.

PowerPoint is available. Please e-mail Steve any materials you would like to have available for your presentation (power point slides, etc) and he will have them on the computer, ready for you. Be sure to e-mail him at least 15 minutes prior to class, so he has time to receive them and make them ready. This will save time, so we don't have to log-off and log-on between presentations. Thanks!

Also, check the resources page of the course website frequently. Links are often added. There is one to help you make a Gantt chart that you may find useful.

Old news is available in the news archive.