Rutgers University CS 211 Sections 1 and 2, Fall 2005 Computer Architecture Second Midterm Exam

Read these instructions carefully. On the front of your bluebook, write your name and section number (1 or 2). Read all of the questions carefully and write all of your answers in the bluebook provided. You may keep this question paper.

  1. What is the output of the following C program on x86 Linux? Recall that the 0x prefix for constants means that the constant is in hexadecimal.
    #include <stdio.h>
    int main () {
            unsigned int a, b, c;
            int d;
            a = 0x6fffffff;
            b = 0xafffffff;
            c = a + b;
            d = (a > c) || (b > c);
            printf ("%d\n", d);
            return 0;
    (Question #1: 10 points)
  2. What is the output of the following C program on x86 Linux?
    #include <stdio.h>
    int main () {
            struct foo {
                    int     a;
                    char    *b;
                    double  c;
                    char    d;
                    int     e;
                    char    f;
            } A[4];
            printf ("%d\n", sizeof (A));
            return 0;
    (Question #2: 10 points)
  3. What is the output of the following C program on x86 Linux? Recall that the %x format specifier for printf causes output to be printed in hexadecimal.
    #include <stdio.h>
    int main () {
            int     a, i;
            char    *p;
            a = 0x12345678;
            p = (char *) & a;
            for (i=0; i<sizeof(int); i++)
                    printf ("%x\n", (unsigned int) *(p + i));
            return 0;
    (Question #3: 10 points)
  4. Answer the following questions about locality:
    1. Both instructions and data exhibit two kinds of locality. What are they? Give a brief definition of each kind.
      (Question #4 part 1: 8 points - 4 each)
      Temporal locality - An object that is referenced tends to be referenced again
      in the near future.
      Spatial locality - If an object is references, then objects near that object
      in memory tend to be referenced also.
    2. The behavior of programs naturally leads to very good locality for instructions (as opposed to data). Why is that? Give two reasons.
      (Question #4 part 2: 8 points - 4 each)
      1.  Most accesses to instructions are sequential, so they naturally have good 
      spatial locality.
      2.  Loops are common in programs.  This causes the same small set of
      instructions to be references many times contemporaneously, leading to
      good temporal locality.

  5. For each of the following statements, write T if it is true, or F if it is false.
    (Question #5: 10 points - 1 point each)
    1. The least significant bit of a binary number always 1 if the number is odd.
    2. Addition of two n-bit binary numbers takes O(n) time.
    3. Access to registers is always faster than access to main memory.
    4. The gets function should not be used because it might cause a buffer overflow.
    5. Moving a function call outside of a loop can potentially change the asymptotic running time of a program.
    6. SRAM and DRAM are both volatile types of memories.
    7. Using the << operator instead of the * operator to multiply by a power of 2 can potentially change the asymptotic running time of a program.
    8. Hard disk is a volatile type of memory.
    9. The pushfl places the condition codes into the %ebx register.
    10. The adcl instruction adds three values: two memory locations and the %ebx register.

  6. Consider the following C program:
    #include <stdio.h>
    int p (int a, int b, int c) {
    	int d, e, f;
    	f = 0;
    	for (d=a; d<b; d++)
    		for (e=b; e<c; e++)
    			f += d + e;
    	return f;
    When compiled with a high level of optimization, it looks like this (with line numbers added for reference):
    01 p:
    02 	pushl	%ebp
    03 	movl	%esp, %ebp
    04 	pushl	%edi
    05 	pushl	%esi
    06 	movl	12(%ebp), %edi
    07 	movl	8(%ebp), %ecx
    08 	pushl	%ebx
    09 	xorl	%ebx, %ebx
    10 	cmpl	%edi, %ecx
    11 	movl	16(%ebp), %esi
    12 	jge	.L28
    13 .L26:
    14 	cmpl	%esi, %edi
    15 	movl	%edi, %edx
    16 	jge	.L30
    17 .L25:
    18 	leal	(%edx,%ecx), %eax
    19 	incl	%edx
    20 	addl	%eax, %ebx
    21 	cmpl	%esi, %edx
    22 	jl	.L25
    23 .L30:
    24 	incl	%ecx
    25 	cmpl	%edi, %ecx
    26 	jl	.L26
    27 .L28:
    28 	movl	%ebx, %eax
    29 	popl	%ebx
    30 	popl	%esi
    31 	popl	%edi
    32 	movl	%ebp,%esp
    33 	popl	%ebp
    34 	ret