UTSA CS 2733, Fall 2007
Computer Organization II

This is the World Wide Web page for CS 2733 Fall 2007. It contains several links to important information about the course. The contents of this page will change over the course of the semester.

Here is the syllabus for the course. It contains a description of the course, including percentages for tests, assignments, etc.

Here is a tentative schedule including things like readings, lectures, and assignments.

Here is the example assembly file written in the September 18th lab.

Studying for the Midterm Exam

Click the following links to see tests from a previous that is similar in content to CS 2733: Our midterm will cover material from the lecture notes, homeworks, quizzes, and textbook readings. The general categories of questions will be similar to the sample tests given above, but the content will not include anything you have not encountered so far.

This page was put together by Daniel A. Jiménez.