This is the World Wide Web page for CS 2073, section 2, Spring 2007. It contains several links to important information about the course. The contents of this page will change over the course of the semester.
Here is the syllabus for the course. It contains a description of the course, including how much each test is worth and so forth. See the professor's lecture notes for selected classes:
See your assignments:
The second exam will be in class on Thursday the 19th of April 2007. It will cover material from the book, class notes and lecture, including material not present in the web notes, from the beginning of class up to the class period before the test.
The final examination will be held Tuesday, May 8, at 10:30 to 1:00pm.
Find here some old tests from a previous class with similar subject matter. Note: These sample tests show the style of questions Prof. Jiménez is likely to ask, but not necessarily the material since it was a different class with a different pace.
Find here some sample C programs you can compile and run from your account. Note that some of them may require the -lm option to cc. This page was put together by the professor, Daniel A. Jiménez (