CS 1713 Section 2, Spring 2009
Introduction to Computer Programming II

Instructor: Daniel A. Jiménez
Office: SB 4.01.58
Office Hours: Tuesdays 2:00pm to 3:30pm

Class Times:




Course Description:

CS 1713: Introduction to Computer Programming II [TCCN: COSC 1437.]
(3-0) 3 hours credit. Prerequisite: CS 1063. Concurrent enrollment in CS 1711 is required. Introduction to basic concepts of computer science. Data representation, problem solving methods, algorithm development and implementation. Basic concepts of object-oriented design are integrated throughout the course. (Formerly titled Introduction to Computer Science.)
Introduction to Computer Programming II

This is the second introductory computer programming class primarily targeted for computer science majors. Objectives for this class include: All students are welcomed to take CS 1713; however, this course is intensive and designed specifically for the needs of computer science majors, as opposed to the general computing audience. Engineering majors might prefer to take CS 1173 or CS 2073. Other science majors might prefer CS 1073 or CS 1173. Those interested in computing but not necessarily programming might prefer CS 1033.

Course Requirements:

Everyone registered for this class should also be registered for CS 1711 section 2 or 4. That is your recitation or lab class. It will be led by a presenter. This class is worth 20% of your overall grade (you will receive the same grade for CS 1713 and CS 1711).

Note: Late programs are not accepted. You are given enough time to do the assignments if you start early. Your lowest program grade will be dropped, so if you have an emergency and can't complete an assignment, your grade will not be affected. If you have two emergencies, bring the professor documentation and we'll talk. If you have to miss a test, you need to inform the professor before you miss the test through e-mail or calling the division office. In this case, you will be allowed to substitute another grade or take a make-up test at the professor's discretion.

Academic Dishonesty

Unless a programming project is specifically assigned as a group project, students are not allowed to work together on programs. You may discuss general ideas related to the program, but you may not e.g. share program code or read each others programs. Instances of such collaboration will be dealt with harshly, but the real cost comes when a student doesn't know how to answer questions on a test about issues involved in doing a project.

Jiménez's Buttons

Jiménez is generally nice but he is uptight about a few things. Don't press these buttons: