Here are some basic commands available at the Linux command prompt. You can get more detailed information on most of these commands by typing "man" followed by the name of the command. cd - change to a directory; with no arguments, change to the home directory bc - high-precision calculator df - see global disk usage du - see disk usage in a given directory (and its subdirectories) echo { items } - print items on standard output grep { filename } - find strings matching in a text file history - show recent history of commands javac - compile a Java source file into a class file java - run a Java program (searches in the current CLASSPATH) less - page a file ls - list files in current directory man - show a manual for the given command more - page a file mkdir - make a directory pico - text editor screen - open multiple termianal screens setenv - set an environment variable equal to a value sort [ filename ] - sort a text file wget - get a file from some web page into the current directory > - standard output of command goes to filename >& - standard output and standard error go to filename (csh only) | - standard output of command1 becomes standard input of command2 `` - make output of a command into a string for input to something else set = - assign a value to a shell variable foreach ( { items } ) - repeat commands for each item in the list { commands } end