CSCE 614, Spring 2020
Computer Architecture

This is the World Wide Web page for CSCE 614, Spring 2020. The contents of this page will change over the course of the semester.

Here is the syllabus for the class.

For an example of a midterm given in a previous instance of this class see this link. Note that the content may vary but the style of questions is likely to be similar.

Here is the second exam given in Fall 2019.

Click here to preview instuctions for taking the second exam remotely.

See this page for a previous class that has links to other old exams.

Here is the tentative schedule for the class. The schedule will change over the semester.

After Spring Break we will be having remote delivery of classes through Zoom. At 3:55pm on Tuesdays and Thursday, tune into to reach my personal Zoom link through which I will be delivering a lecture over PowerPoint slides.

This page was put together by Daniel A. Jiménez.